Shadeup changelog

v1.1.0 — 6/20/2024

Docs refresh and new learning pipeline.

Head on over to the learn page to get started with the new learning pipeline.

compiler tools v1.0.0 — 2/20/2024

Shadeup can now be compiled and written outside of the online editor. This includes:

  • cli tool for building and previewing shadeup code offline
  • VS Code extension for syntax highlighting shadeup files

v1.0.1 — 12/16/2023

Special thanks to @fadaaszhi for the suggestions and bug reports!

  • ADD support for .xx, .xxx and .xxxx on scalars
  • ADD support for texture parameters fn (t: texture2d<float4>) { ... }
  • ADD support for string == comparison (i.e. "x" == "x" now works)
  • ADD support for swizzle assignment: vec.xy = (1, 2)
  • ADD projects can now be deleted under settings
  • image